Resources | Montessori Care

Frequently asked questions

You may have some questions about our services and if we are the right fit for you. We’ve answered some common questions below.

How do I get started?

Getting started with Montessori care is as easy as contacting us. Head to our contact us page to get in touch.

If you’re not sure if you’re eligible for funding, we can help and to start the process of applying for funding from NDIS or My Aged Care.

If you have your individual NDIS plan or your letter of approval for aged care support, contact us to discuss your care needs and how we’ll help you achieve your goals and live your best life at home.

What are the differences between NDIS, HCP, and private options?

You’ll always be at the centre of all planning and delivery of our services. The rules and structure of the funding systems means that there are some differences between NDIS, Aged Care and privately funded services.

NDIS provides funding for people aged between 7 and 64 at the time of assessment, who they identify as having a disability from a permanent impairment.

What are your quality standards and are you accredited?

We’re accredited by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and registered with the National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission). We undergo formal accreditation renewal or registration renewal every 3 years, and compliance audits by the relevant agencies between renewals. Montessori Care works within the aged care quality standards and the disability care quality standards.

At Montessori care we focus on improvement and welcome your feedback on our services to help us continue to improve.

How much will I have to pay?

The government outlines the fees we can charge for services for NDIS and in-home aged care. As an aged care service recipient, you may be required to make personal contributions to your services. This is based on an income assessment. You can see how much this is for you with the My Aged Care Fee Estimator here.

Your medications, some special dressings and continence aids (in some levels of care) are at your own cost in addition to your service fees.

Your fees will be outline on an itemised statement that includes all our fees, including care management and administration fees.

Is Montessori Care the best provider for me?

Your provider choice is a personal one. The best way to find out if we’re the best choice for you is to contact us and talk with us about your needs and preferences.

How are you responding to the changes in the aged care and disability support?

Montessori Care is committed to continued improvement in our services. We’re taking a proactive approach to future aged care and disability support reforms.

Staying safe with Covid-19

Montessori Care is committed to keep you and your loved ones safe and well in the time of Covid-19. There are challenges with providing care and support to you in your home when there is a threat of illness around.

To manage these risks, we have extensive procedures, practices, and staff training across all of our services and operations. We encourage you to contact us to discuss any of your concerns and for specific information about how we manage Covid-19 while providing your services.

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